Monday, January 19, 2015

A Principle to Keep

A principle is a moral rule or belief that helps you make good and bad decisions. "It's a guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct." The benefit of being a "person of principles" is that if you are faced with a difficult decision in life, you will refer your guiding set of principles or principle for help. One principle that I would suggest people have is to treat others the way you want to be treated. Having this mindset will help you treat others with respect despite your feeling for that person and in every circumstance. Anyone would want to be treated justly and you wouldn't want to lied to. You'd probably want you're friends, family and companions to be loyal so don't give them a reason to betray you. You would want people to be considerate of your feelings and when you're down you want others to be compassionate. You want people to do these things as you would with them. But above all, you wouldn't want these people to just pretend to do these things, you would want them to be real and honest. It truly is remarkable to be able to be a person of your word, a person that goes beyond the level of kindness and generosity that others don't always have, and someone that remains open others.


  1. awesome ideas. loved reading this. good principle

  2. The idea of respect is a good one. The problem with it is that respect is relative. What I may think to be respect may not even scratch the surface of what someone else thinks to be respect. In order for people to live up to this principle, you would have to clearly define what it is. When Kant says that one cannot lie no matter the situation, it is pretty clear as to what the line of principled morality is.

  3. I definitely agree with this principle, it is the principle that I chose to write about on my blog as well. The idea of treating others how you want to be treated is so important, because it would make humans so much more loving towards each other. I also think the world would be more at peace, since there would be only kindness and positivity.
